by | Jul 26, 2023 | Blog
Tantra isn’t yoga. Their routes are opposite but lead to the same objective. So this must be evident. Yoga is method and technique. Like Tantra, yoga is action-based. Doing leads to yoga, but in a different way. Warrior yoga requires combat. Tantra requires no...
by | Jul 11, 2023 | Blog
A wanderer, following the guidance of his mentor, constructed a modest shelter, adorned with foliage, far away from the bustling areas. He commenced his spiritual practices within this dwelling. Every morning, after purifying himself, he would hang his damp garment...
by | Jul 9, 2023 | Blog
A farmer grew too old to labor the fields any longer. So he would simply sit on the porch all day. When his son, who was still tending to the farm, would occasionally look up, he would see his father sitting there.The son said to himself, “He’s of no use...
by | Jul 6, 2023 | Whispers
The wish-granting tree of the celestial realm, which grants requests made of it. As a result, after engaging in religious practises to purify one’s mind, one should be mindful to renounce all worldly interests. Simply hear a story: During his travels, a specific...
by | Jul 6, 2023 | Whispers
A monk lived next to a temple.In front of them was a harlot’s home. The monk called the prostitute one day and called her a major sinner after noticing the continual throng of guys in her home. You commit sin all the time. Oh, how horrible your lot will be in...