The wish-granting tree of the celestial realm, which grants requests made of it. As a result, after engaging in religious practises to purify one’s mind, one should be mindful to renounce all worldly interests.

Simply hear a story: During his travels, a specific traveller arrived at a sizable plain. He sat down in the shade of a tree to take a little break because he had been wandering in the sun for several hours and was extremely tired and perspiring.

At this point, he started to consider how comforting it would be if he could just find a comfy bed there to sleep on. He had no idea he was seated beneath the cosmic tree. He found a comfortable bed by his side as soon as the aforementioned thought entered his head. He was very surprised, but he still stretched out on it. He then considered how relaxing it would be for a young damsel to approach and lightly rub his legs. A young damsel was sitting at his feet and massaging his legs as soon as the thought crossed his thoughts. The tourist was quite joyful. He had everything he had wished for, so why couldn’t he obtain some food now that he was hungry?

Immediately, he discovered a variety of delectable foods set out in front of him. He immediately started eating, and after helping himself to whatever he wanted, he laid out again on his bed. He now started to replay the day’s events in his head. As he was doing this, he wondered, “If a tiger should suddenly attack me!” A sizable tiger leaped on him in an instant, broke his neck, and started drinking his blood. The traveller lost his life in this manner.

This is the general fate of men. Your wishes will undoubtedly be partially gratified if, during your meditation, you pray for men, money, or worldly honours; nevertheless, keep in mind that the dread of the tiger lies behind the gifts you receive. These tigers—disease, loss of a loved one, loss of riches and honour, etc.—are a thousand times worse than a real tiger.