Golden Whispers
Overcoming the Deceptions of the Mind – Vigyan Bhairav Tantra | Golden Whispers #vigyan
Understanding the significance of this question is crucial, as it may have arisen in many minds....
Pradosh Vrat • Shiva Katha – Golden Whispers
Hindus celebrate their new year with the festival of "Pradosh" in India, a country rich in...
Kundalini; Consciousness, Power, and the World Glamour
Kundalini is one of the most misunderstood concepts (and experiences) in yoga and Tantra. Now I am sure that you have read a lot on this topic. It can't really be avoided, what with so many New-Age authors copying rubbish from each other. Even among the best informed...
Prana in Antiquity ✌️ Role of Prana | The Five Brahma-persons, The Doorkeepers of the World of Heaven
The early Upanisadic period, around the eighth and seventh century BCE, provides us with the first attempts to define the role of prana in religion, consciousness, and meditation. It was a magnificent time for really complicated cosmology and subtle texts alluding...
Shakti and Shiva Energy – What is Siva and Sakti | Golden Whispers | Explained in Details
Well, you know about this. Everybody does. There's Siva and Sakti, male and female, penis and vulva, and the whole thing can be packaged as divine sexuality. We owe so much rubbish to New Age Tantras. In the real world things are a lot more complicated. They also make...
Truth – Jiddu Krishnamurti
Truth Is a State of Being There is only one truth, and there are no alternate realities. Truth is timeless; therefore, a man who parrots the words of the Buddha, Shankara, or Christ, or who merely reiterates what I have said, will not discover the truth. Repetition is...
BRAHMAN — THE UNITY The Lord and the world, even when they seem to be distinct, are not really different from each other; they are one Brahman. "ONE UNMOVING" God is the one stable and eternal Reality. He is One because there is nothing else, since all existence and...
Overcoming the Deceptions of the Mind – Vigyan Bhairav Tantra | Golden Whispers #vigyan
Understanding the significance of this question is crucial, as it may have arisen in many minds. First, spirituality is considered difficult. It is neither difficult nor an achievement. You are already spiritual, regardless of your identity. There is no need to add or...
Meister Eckhart’s Mysticism – Golden Whispers #deepthoughts #selfdiscovery #spirituality
We begin our trip today by exploring the life and teachings of Meister Eckhart, a 13th-century mystic and philosopher whose ideas continue to enlighten and motivate modern-day spiritual seekers. Come with me as I delve into the life of this mysterious figure and...
Listen – Jiddu Krishnamurti #listentothis #listening #deepthoughts
Listening well is an undervalued skill with immense potential for growth and insight. No matter how deeply we listen, though, it is always with some sort of bias or preconceived notion. Our opinions, conclusions, and biases always act as a filter between the speaker...
Pradosh Vrat • Shiva Katha – Golden Whispers
Hindus celebrate their new year with the festival of "Pradosh" in India, a country rich in cultural diversity. Many devout Hindus consider this to be one of the most significant fasts (vrat). On this day, they abstain from food and drink and celebrate the Vrat with...
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