by | Jun 8, 2024 | Blog
More on this important topic appears in June McDaniel’s Offering Flowers, Feeding Skulls, the best study on Säkta folk religion and obsession in modern India which I have ever come upon (highly recommended). McDaniel classes several types of Tantrikas. Of...
by | May 20, 2024 | Blog
In the Gheravda Samhita, we learn that there are as many äsanas as there are life-forms. have been explained by Siva. Of these. eighty-four are exceptional, and of these thirty-two are auspicious in the realm of the living. This means that lots of postures are...
by | May 17, 2024 | Blog
Indian philosophy produced several models to describe what happen withhin body. Alas, this is already an oversimplification. There are several distinct schools of Indian philosophy and, as you know, they are not always in accord with each other. Just look at the...
by | Mar 28, 2024 | Blog
Käpälikas and Aghoras One fine day the gods were sitting in heaven quaffing Soma. As it so happened, Brahma, the Creator, began to boast about the wonderful job he was doing. Siva disagreed, there were words, and punches, and then Siva got really cross and chopped off...
by | Aug 26, 2023 | Blog, Whispers
Truth always exists. It already is. It’s not achievable in the future. You are the truth now, so you don’t need to construct, devise, or seek it. Understand this fully to make these strategies easy to understand and use. Desire comes from mind. Mind is...