Golden Whispers
🌟 Unlocking the Mysteries of Tantra 🌟
Did you know that Tantra isn't just about intimacy? It's a profound spiritual practice that delves...
Devi Bhägavatam Puräna – Devi Tantra Mantra | Devi Bhagwat Mahapuran #tantra
Devi Bhägavatam Puräna A massive work in 100,000 verses on goddess mythology and the typical...
Mind Power Can Help You Lose or Gain Weight I have chosen this particular subject because someone noticed that I have lost a lot of weight—I have taken off about forty pounds in less than four months—and asked if I had been sick. There are causes for our physical...
The Philosophic Method and Evolution
“Philosophy is the critical examination of the grounds for fundamental beliefs and analysis of the basic concepts employed in their expression.” This is at least one good definition of what philosophy means. And another from Encyclopedia Britannica: “The philosophy of...
More on this important topic appears in June McDaniel's Offering Flowers, Feeding Skulls, the best study on Säkta folk religion and obsession in modern India which I have ever come upon (highly recommended). McDaniel classes several types of Tantrikas. Of course, the...
A Choice of Postures- Shiva Tantra
In the Gheravda Samhita, we learn that there are as many äsanas as there are life-forms. have been explained by Siva. Of these. eighty-four are exceptional, and of these thirty-two are auspicious in the realm of the living. This means that lots of postures are...
Maps of the Body- Understand The Chakras
Indian philosophy produced several models to describe what happen withhin body. Alas, this is already an oversimplification. There are several distinct schools of Indian philosophy and, as you know, they are not always in accord with each other. Just look at the...
The Most Excellent Way
THE BUDDHA SAID: To be free from the passions and to be calm, this is the most excellent way. Those who leave their parents, go out of the home, understand the mind, reach the source, and comprehend the immaterial, are called shramanas. Those who observe the precepts...
The Eternal Beyond the Mind
The Upanishad first affirms the existence of this profounder, vaster, more puissant consciousness behind our mental being. That, it affirms, is Brahman. Mind, Life, Sense, Speech are not the utter Brahman; they are only inferior modes and external instruments....
Doctrine of the Transcendent Absolute- Meister Eckhart
Beyond the Notion of God The first point that should be made in connection with Eckhart's view on the status of doctrine is that he firmly rejects the notion that God can be circumscribed by any concepts or descriptions. He repeatedly emphasizes the necessarily...
Engine of Attraction – Get anything you want in Life | The secret law of Attraction
So if we essentially house a chaotic collection of an infinite number of thoughts and reactions in our consciousness — and since the life we live appears to be a fairly orderly one — how does the Universe select from all of those thoughts floating in our being and...
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